  Public Ticket #3161597
Customize Roles


  • eazisol started the conversation

    Hi concern,

    Would you like to guide me that from where I can create new user and give him few accesses from Admin Panel. For example, I want to create new User from Admin Panel and give access to add property images only.


  •  255
    The replied

    You can create a new role in
    Platform Administration > Roles and Permissions > Create New Role
    (demo site https://resido.thesky9.com/admin/system/roles/create)

    However we dont have a permission for peoperty images, instead of we provide a permission for media

  • eazisol replied

    Hi there,

    I have 2 queries to ask.

    1. How can I hide the specific User-role from Admin Panel. For example, I don't want to share all roles. Just have a look on attachment "image.jpeg" for your reference.

    2. What is difference between "Consult" and "Consults"? From where entry comes in?

  •  255
    The replied

    1. role field is default field in table users. If you dont want to share all roles you can disable user listing role for this user or need to adjust code to do that

    2. Consult is a message from customer. you can see it in property detail


  • eazisol replied

    Hi there,

    Thanks for your prompt response,

    Kindly mention the page/path in code from I can disable specific roles by "Code". In addition, I got updates but once I am going to update, I went with "Time out error", how to fix it?


  •  255
    The replied

    + You can increate execution time https://docs.thesky9.com/resido/#/requirement

    or can manual update instead of use auto update https://docs.thesky9.com/resido/#/upgrade

    + Role column can be remove in /platform/core/acl/src/Tables/UserTable.php , line 159->162

    'role_name' => [    'title' => trans('core/acl::users.role'),    'searchable' => false,

  • eazisol replied

    Hi there,

    Thanks for your prompt response,

    Would you like to mention the "Front-end/view" of user role.
