  Public Ticket #3097830
Short Codes are not working on posts.


  •  1
    Furqan Hameed started the conversation

    I have just setup a script and while playing around, I have just found out that short codes are not working properly.

    Please have a look at the link given and these short codes are also not working on code canyon sample script

    Issue page

    The codecanyon link

    CodeCanyon Broken Youtube link.

    Can you please help me with that?

    !!! UPDATED !!!

    !!!! I Have found what is causing the problem !!!!!

    When you turn on the comments on the posts, the Shortcode doesn't seem to be working. 

    !!! This is weird !!!

    When you toggle the comments switch, short codes start working. But comments do not turned off it get back on when you view the post again. But this time, short codes started working.

    All this happening due to comments, when these are off, short codes are working.

  •  255
    The replied

    We saw the problem and tested it

  •  1
    Furqan Hameed replied

    So, i am also a developer, is there anything that i can do to fix it? Or should i wait for a new update.

    Thanks for Reply❤️

  •  255
    The replied

    Hi Furqan Hameed

    Please download the file attached and override the file in path code/platform/themes/flow/views/templates/post.blade.php

  •  1
    Furqan Hameed replied

    Thank you very much, thats working. 

  •  1
    Furqan Hameed replied

    One more thing, can you please tell me how to enable members login area?

  •  255
    The replied


    Currently, The script has a login area. URL https://flow.thesky9.com/login

    But it's not finished yet, we will update it soon this month

  •  1
    Furqan Hameed replied

    Sure then i will be waiting :). Thanks a lot for amazing customer care❤️

  •  1
    Furqan Hameed replied

    Hi there, can you please tell me when new update with the Login area will be coming?

  •  255
    The replied


    Sorry, we are quite busy these days. This week we will try to watch it and up the week.

  •  1
    Furqan Hameed replied

    And there is one more thing, can you please add a separate route for preview=true posts view for pending or draft posts, Google Crawler is giving errors when creating draft posts.

  •  1
    Furqan Hameed replied

    With the help of this i would be able to add URL to Google's Exception List

  •  255
    The replied

    Oke, we will check and fix it.