  Public Ticket #2987549
Some Mandatory Changes in Resido


  •  1
    beniwalsanjeev started the conversation

    Hi sir,

    1. Storage - Storage should be in a managed way folder wise, should be property id wise folders that can be accessed and deleted individually, we don't have to look in a lot photos to delete particular some images.

    2. Property Listing Form  -- For Rent and For sale on Top and other basic listing columns for property information.

    3. Mobile number - There should be a mobile number option in Registration form that should show with property and can only be accessible by visitor after visitor's  register so that everyone who visits the website can't take the mobile number of person who posted the property  so the person who post don't receive scam calls. (It will be very helpful if mobile number is verified through OTP).

    4. There should be Projects in this Script. Project Package should be added in next update. 


  •  255
    The replied

    Hi beniwalsanjeev,

    1.This is a good idea. We will consider it.

    2. We fixed it in update 2.3 and you can filter by type.

    3. Do you mean only members can see the phone number?

    4. We consider adding the project in the following script.

  •  1
    beniwalsanjeev replied

    3. Yes sir, there should be option to fill mobile number in registration form.

    on your demo resido website, i can't login with provided credentials. please check.

    4. -->>> In mobile version of the website, when a user clicks on Add property or write property, the dashboard navigation opens and the user has to close it. but sometimes users clicks again and again on add property or post property and thinks that the page is not opening. so i want that after clicking on Add property or post property, user navigation filetr should not be opened, it should remained closed automatically so user don't have to close the filter and can directly fill the form.

    5. category we choose in property listing form should be after Type for sale for rent, now it is in the last of the form.

  •  1
    beniwalsanjeev replied

    Hi sir, please respond with solution of the issues 

    and i haven't recieved new update 2.3 on envato or system updater

  •  255
    The replied

    We have updated and there is a change log, please check again.

  •  1
    beniwalsanjeev replied

    Hi sir

    Yes i have recieved update 2.3 but there were no changes i mentioned below in property listing form.

    And other changes are expected from you too. Thanks 

  •  255
    The replied

    We have updated the shortcode, you can filter by the type of the property
